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The Environmental Cost of Generative AI

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Why should SMEs care about sustainability

First point : sustainability is not a trend but a need that must become part of us, as people and as businesses.

Are publicly accessible GHG emissions datasets accurate?

GHG emissions data are derived from a variety of sources, ranging from direct emissions (Scope 1) from an organization's operations to indirect emissions (Scopes 2 and 3) across the full value chain. Gathering this data entails navigating a wide range of industries, each with its own set of obstacles in data collection, standardization, and reporting.

Materiality Assessment: The Financial Reporting and Sustainability Reporting Perspectives

Working as a financial auditor was very interesting to me not only because I had to thoroughly understand the internal and external aspects of the industry, stakeholder, and business activities of the clients, but it also exposed me to the importance of keeping up with standards, regulations, and in that way, every finance auditor understands first, the inherent risk and develops a robust audit strategy and plan. Without this complete understanding, it may be tricky to take a realistic approach to audit materiality.